Ebenezer doing Thriller via Unity and mixed reality (MR)

Been learning Unity over the past couple of months along with refreshing my HTML, CSS and Javascript knowledge (will post on D3 learning separately).  So I needed something to bring to life so I could learn the tech behind Mixed Reality – like an updated version of Augmented Reality – so I dug old Ebenezer McRae out of retirement https://shielyule.com/2016/08/13/leith-outdoor-gallery-fringe-venue-421/ and created a 3D version of him. In the process I discovered Adobe Fuse (Creative Suit has all these obscure beta programs) for creating the character and mixamo for posing and animation. Now Unity3d – graphics rendering, next-gen runtime, and more artist tooling – is a vast programme and I am only just getting my head around it, but have managed to get Ebenezer up and dancing in the virtual world . . .

spooky magic mirror

Raspberry Pi project to create a mirror that when a motion sensor is triggered it morphs the reflection into a scary face.

Also portrait idea of young girl (image from AtmosFX http://atmosfx.com/) morphing into skeleton.

I used a reflective mirror film over plexiglass from an Ikea frame but it isn’t working that well #disappointed – the screen doesn’t fit the frame and the frame is clearly visible. Will need a bespoke frame me-thinks. Especially as I took the monitor apart to fit the frame – should have fitted the frame to the monitor. Hey ho was fun seeing how the inside of the monitor is wired.


The reflective foil stuff works OK


The concept works at least just need some perfecting.

Leith Outdoor Gallery – fringe venue 421

today has been a busy day at Leith’s Outdoor Gallery, with a nasty clean up first thing, sun and showers, lots of lovely people and a sale. one of my pictures is heading to Poland and a new contemporary gallery, thank you Sebastian.

jason noon by shiel yule

we are also honouring a man who does not get enough recognition in Edinburgh, Ebenezer McRae. Come and visit to find out more about him . . .



the joys of running a fringe venue and the morning clean up . . . boak!

inept out of the blue

LWS_needle alley

Ebenezer McRae is discovered at LWS

One of Edinburgh’s great architects has been rediscovered at Leith Walk Studios, Ebenezer McRae. The studios are housed in the last remnants of the old Edinburgh Trams Department – the headquarters and main trams garage. These are due for demolition by Edinburgh City Council but the spirit of Ebenezer haunts the alley and wants to see his heritage preserved.

Ebenezer McRae_shielyule

Come visit and learn more about this great man – Leith Walk Studios, 165a Leith Walk, Edinburgh EH6 8NR

censorship continues – Edinburgh Council does not like breasts

so I had a visit from the council lackeys yesterday who cautioned me for putting up images on public buildings. there is one in particular that both Out of the Blue and Edinburgh Council feel is misogynist. so today she was covered up.

Leith Walk Studios_Fringe Venue 421_censored woman

the previous censoring was deemed “not sufficient”.

sworn to fun loyal to none

Nicked the idea from Lushsux from Melbourne, https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/aug/02/hillary-clinton-mural-covered-with-niqab-after-public-decency-complaints more of his work here http://lushsux.tumblr.com/

the ironic breast debate continues

I had a pre-festival wander up town today and popped into the stills gallery to see the Jo Spence http://stills.org/exhibitions/current exhibition. below is my favourite image (which stills kindly allowed me to photograph, thank you), which feels relevant to recent Leith Walk Studios discussions.

Jo Spence_middle class values_2

Jo Spense: remodelling Photo History 1982: “. . . her photo of her breast, marked with pen “the property of Jo Spence?” where she appears to question her rights over her own body, using the breast as a metaphor for women’s struggle to become active subjects.”

sworn to fun loyal to none

the irony

Outdoor Gallery at Leith Walk Studios

messing around with the new trailer for Leith Walk Studios “outdoor gallery” opening on the 1st August 2016.

There is still a bunch of wall space and areas for installations if there are any visiting artists or anyone in Edinburgh that wants to contribute.